Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sometimes you get a little lonely

Sometimes you get a little lonely.
Sometimes you sneak down to the couch and stare at the pattern of your afghan.
Sometimes the empty red wine glass sitting on your hand-me-down coffee table makes you want to cry.
You flip on the television.
There is nothing on.
You try to read but the main character’s problems remind you of your own.
You think of someone to call and realize everyone is asleep.
The radio is full of songs reminding you of lost love and memories of times gone by.
Sometimes you sit on a couch molded to your sagging body and think about what could have been and what will never be.
It’s at these times where there might be one thing that could get you back to bed and through the night.
Sometimes there is only one thing that can make all your troubles go away.
Sometimes you just need one thing to make you feel a little bit less lonely.

Sometimes all you need is a mustache moment.